Minstrels of Hope Concert

A Choir from Manilla, Philippines
A free concert -- all are welcome!
Minstrels of Hope is a nonprofit organization hosting activities (education, arts, music, etc.) for the benefit of underprivileged children living in the streets of Manilla, Philippines.
Their choir consists of 12 young women who have toured and been acclaimed around the world. Their repertoire includes songs in English and French, as well as Tagalog, the national language of Philippines.
For more information about the Minstrels of Hope, please visit their website at www.minstrelsofhope.weebly.com.
This concert will be followed by a Welcome Back Pot Luck! The potluck will start at 4:00 pm, immediately following the concert.
Fall is here, and it's time to greet old and new friends at Christ Church Aylmer's traditional Welcome Back potluck! We will especially welcome our new Priest-in-Charge, Rev. Jeannie Loughrey at this event. Bring your friends! For more information, or to lend a hand with setup, please contact our Rector's Warden, Stephen Picard, at [email protected].