Our Vision
We envision our church:
Christian Education
- upholding the biblical teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Sacraments as the foundation of our faith journey
- our music and worship glorifies God and builds us up within the rich and diverse heritage of the Anglican liturgy.
Christian Education
- dedicated to the education of its children and adults within a nurturing community that maximizes our spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional development as God's people.
- the Ministry of Stewardship is at the centre of Parish life, inspiring parishioners to offer their time, talents and treasure to God through the church, and to do so with thankful and generous hearts.
Pastoral Care
Hospitality, Fellowship and Growth
- our members minister to one another and to the needs of people in the community; especially the home-bound and those in care facilities.
- we reach out with God's love to meet local and global needs, finding hurts and healing them, both through direct action and in partnership with ecumenical, community and international bodies.
Hospitality, Fellowship and Growth
- our church members are welcoming, accepting and compassionate in our relationships and in our care for others;
- a church that focuses on ministry with newcomers to Aylmer, embracing our rapidly changing bilingual and multicultural society.